Playing Games! Practicing OARS

card sheet.pdf

Playing Games!

The best way to learn MI, is to practice. The most enjoyable way to practice is to have fun and play some games.

Here are two for you to try.

Game One - Matching


Print out two pages of Counseling Cards.

Cut them into individual cards, and sort them into two equal decks. There will be 12 cards in each deck.

Now ask a coworker/friend to be the client. Have them look at the different counseling responses (review with them what each is before starting the game) and 'play' the part. For example, if the card says Minimizing, your friend might say, "I only have a touch of sugar."

You are going to find the card that matches Minimizing and lay it down. If the 'client' agrees, the cards would match.

Game two - OARS


Print out two pages of Counseling Cards.

Cut them into individual cards, and sort them into two equal decks. There will be 12 cards in each deck.

Now ask a coworker/friend to be the client. Have them look at the different counseling responses (review with them what each is before starting the game) and 'play' the part. For example, if the card says Minimizing, your friend might say, "I only have a touch of sugar."

You are going to respond to this comment using any aspect of OARS. For example, you might Reflect, "Because you cause this early, you are confident that you can manage it." or use an Open-ended Question, "What changes, if any, are you considering to manage your blood sugar?" You might Affirm the client, "It was excellent that you got screened!" or Summarize (you might use this later in the game), "You are evaluating your options which include monitoring, looking at what you eat and medication."

Keep practicing until you use all 12 cards!

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